Isn't My body of Cyborg be Fabulous in Isekai? | Prologue


The air is so dense in this place, but is the cleanest and the pollution free air I ever inspired. Also, the vegetation density is high enough to be a photo of the forests before the Emergent Heat Expansion in the 25's, but in this age the frondosity of this forest is impossible to se outside the simulations.

I put my index finger inside my mouth to test if this is a simulation, but the gag reflex proves that this is my real body, this fact put more questions in my mind that answers.

During a deeper exploration, I notice that the trees are so different from any I would see in any type of register, a tree that shines in a dark blues tone, no only that some plants have a translucent leafs with emerald liquid inside.

After some minutes, I decided to use the GPS of my right arm prosthesis, but don't have any other sign that my smartphone. So are only two possible explains, I'm on another planet, because I had another accident and the prothesis company only pay my treatment if I'm part of their spatial exploration project.

I exclude that think of my head because, aren't any spaceship near, also, when I recover my conscious I was standing.

The other possible explanation, is more difficult to believe, but there's nothing that denies it, I'm transported to another world, like the protagonists of many of my favourites light novels. So I try to test if I have some special ability.

- In the name of the Testaments!

After see nothing occours, I do my next test.

- I can return of the dead.

- Unarmed Enchanted Strike, God Fist!

- I Will break your reality!


- Summon minor familiar.

* * * * *

I tested all ability that I remember for minimum two minutes, but nothing happens, so I decide that is better if start to walk to find other people instead of loosing my energy.


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